Welcome to Model Engineering directory Wild About Steam. Here You can find interesting and useful information relating to Model Engineering, Clubs, Services and Suppliers.

There are 206 entries in the directory

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Model Railway Track Specialists 'N' Gauge 4mm 'OO' 'EM' 'P4' 7mm   Website: http://www.finescale.org.uk/
The Guildford Model Engineering Society is a friendly group of like-minded individuals that aims to encourage, develop, and provide facilities
2ft Gauge Light Railway set in 30 Acres. Website: http://www.bwlr.co.uk/
Known as “Kent’s Mainline in Miniature”, our World Famous one-third full size Steam & Diesel locomotives have powered their way
The Great Manawatu Steam Fair is run by the Steam Traction Society. Steam traction engines Portable steam engine Stationary steam
We are a small business who pride ourselves in reliability and professionalism when providing machining and engineering services for the model engineering world.rnrnWe
The Lynton and Barnstaple railway is a 2 mile round trip narrow gauge railways in the heart of Exmoor. Visitor
See our unique collection of Great Western Railway steam engines, coaches, wagons, buildings and small relics; and a recreation of
Pecorama, one of Devon's leading tourist attractions is set on the hillside above the picturesque fishing village of Beer and

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