Welcome to Model Engineering directory Wild About Steam. Here You can find interesting and useful information relating to Model Engineering, Clubs, Services and Suppliers.

There are 206 entries in the directory

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Suppliers of: Cutting Tools Abrasives & Finishing Power Tools Fasteners Hand Tools Health & Safety (PPE) Lubrication Adhesives, Sealants &
5" and 7.25" Gauge ground level miniature railway located in the Coate Water Park, Swindon, Wiltshire The website provides details
DJB Model Engineering Ltd is a manufacturer of 15mm/16mm ready-to-run live steam engines and kits as well as conversions to
Model engineering services provided by a well known and respected model engineer and professional engineer.
The Tiverton & District Model Engineers' Society is a small model engineering club with approximately 30 members, and is a
We are a group of model engineering enthusiasts that meet at our clubhouse and grounds in Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire. Our Society
The Brandon & District Society of Model Engineers is a relatively young club by comparison having been founded in November
Canterbury and District Model Engineering Society was formed in 1972 to provide for the interests of local model engineers. We
The 7¼ Gauge Society is the international organisation for people interested in 7¼ and 7½ gauge miniature railways Web: http://www.sevenandaquarter.org/

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