Welcome to Model Engineering directory Wild About Steam. Here You can find interesting and useful information relating to Model Engineering, Clubs, Services and Suppliers.

There are 206 entries in the directory

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Drawings for a wide range of Live Steam locos. Castings, tools and a wide range of model Engineering Supplies.
N. Noon Engineering are based in the Midlands and provide a wide range of Engineering services for full size and
Brass and Steel supplies for clockmakers and model engineers EN8M STEEL EN24T CZ120 BRASS SHEET COMPO/ENGRAVING BRASS STANDARD SILVER STEEL
This is the website of the Maidstone Model Engineering Society. We are situated in Mote Park in Maidstone, Kent, where
This unique line was built in 1905 for the transportation of the raw materials required for the manufacture of paper
Great website detailing activities at the railway, buy tickets, plan your day out and find out about the locomotives and
Steam Engineers providing services : Restoration Sales Painting Repairs   Web: http://www.steamworkshop.co.uk/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/livesteamworkshop
An extensive 5" gauge miniature railway, with a main-line length about 1 km, and running through a delightful natural bush
Material Supplies to Business and the Public, General Engineering Services including: Guillotine & Saw Cutting service, Fasteners & Fixings, Welding

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