Welcome to Model Engineering directory Wild About Steam. Here You can find interesting and useful information relating to Model Engineering, Clubs, Services and Suppliers.

There are 206 entries in the directory

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We are always open to all new members young and old. If your interest is in anything associated with railways
Founded in 1948, the object of the Society is to promote and encourage model engineering of all kinds, and to
The Society aims are to bring together persons from all walks of life who share a common interest in miniature
Sandford Station Railway Heritage Centre, located in the station booking office. History of the local railway View railway artifacts Photos
Standard Gauge Heritage railway in Essex. Museum on site as well as signal box, Station etc Steam and Diesel locomotives.
The Society was set up in 1990 by a few local people who each enjoyed operating Miniature Railways and grew
Located in Macclesfield, Macc Models provide a wide range of supplies for model engineering including: Kits Fittings Material Tools Solder
The Society was formed over 50 years ago as a result of 3 people meeting in a cafe in Llandudno.
Chichester & District Society of Model Engineers Ltd. The aims of the Society are simple: to bring together all persons

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